Depending on the length, width and other attributes, an examination of particular organs, orifices, passages and cavities requires endoscopic tools of varying characteristics. They may vary in diameter, working length, field of view, direction of view, and presence of sheath for one or more working channels, to name just a few. In some cases one instrument can cover a few fields of endoscopic research, thus saving money and adding convenience to endoscopic procedures. For example, the hybrid integrated veterinary otoscope by MEDIT can be also used for cystoscopy and rhinoscopy thanks to its universal design and additional built-in features, along with its primary purpose of looking into ears. This, in turn, leads to increased customer satisfaction and, consequently, to higher practice revenue. In any case, assessment of treatment and follow-up, documentation of findings and client education always remain the main purposes of a veterinarian otoendoscope.
The MEDIT hybrid otoscope features 5.5mm (0.22'') diameter at optical end, 85mm (3.35'') working length and integrated 5F Luer-fitted working channel. The working channel can be split into two with a bridge with three-way stopcocks, permitting the use of biopsy forceps (or a small catheter) along with suction and irrigation.
The working channel and small endoscope size allows optimal external ear and tympanic membrane examination, flushing and foreign body retrieval in small animals.
Additional Features. A wide spectrum of light sources, both handheld compact ones and larger high capacity units as well as light guide cables for the latter are available. Forceps can also be added to the set optionally depending on customer's preferences. If sharing or documenting examinations is critical, we offer a few solutions which make visualizing the examination on a larger screen and capturing photo and video files during an examination possible.
Not intended for human use.
Non destiné à l'usage humain.